Maximize your work from home arrangement

With all of the changes and impacts this
COVID-19 global pandemic is bringing, we're hearing more and more that people are starting to work from home (by force or by choice), and companies are implementing processes for business continuity with employees all working remotely.
If you're not working for a supplier of a critical product or service, I imagine you may be working from home now too. If not, you may be in the very near future!
We've been finding that many of our clients were not prepared to move themselves or their workforce to a remote model. As this is a way of life for us here at Spinakr, I wanted to share the tips & best practices that we use as a team to help us stay productive and maintain a healthy work/life balance in a work from home setting.
Our Spinakr crew has been working from home for awhile now. Here are 6 of our best practice recommendations to make the transition as easy as possible. Hopefully there's some tips in here that help!
Feel free to distribute and share this if you find it useful in making the transition.
I also find that when transitioning to a remote workforce model, a lot of our customers suddenly realize that they don't have a centralized system for their staff to access company assets or brand guidelines & materials. We are the exclusive implementation partner for Brandworkz digital asset & brand management software and can help you get a portal stood up very quickly if needed. Let us know if you'd like to schedule a demo with our team!
As Spinakr is a full service Marketing and Technology provider for all of North America, please let us know if we can help you in any way during this time. It's still business as usual for us through all of this...remote workforce management has always been a part of our model.
Stay safe!

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